
Formerly titled "The Traveling Job Coach" and then "The Traveling Athletic Director," this blog is
for me and my memory because it's not very good.
My memory is not very good. See what I mean?

This blog has also morphed into a place for me to share my thoughts on life and how I see the world.
These thoughts often bubble to the surface during my travels.

I don't concern myself with grammar. This is simply a place for me to record my memories,
thoughts and feelings while I travel.

I started this blog before my trip to Europe July 10-24, 2009. Email me at brosefield@gmail.com
whilst I'm traveling or comment on posts here if you see something that
strikes your fancy.

Yes, I used the words whilst and fancy in the same paragraph.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Thanks to My Readers'

Thanks to you guys that have been reading this nonsense and posting
and emailing me throughout my journey! I really appreciate it. This
will be a great way to chronicle my experiences here and I hope that
you are gaining as much enjoyment from reading about my exploits as I
am having participating in them.

I'm on the train to London at the moment. Very fast and smooth. Wifi
on board as well. I'm not used to all this high tech stuff

Anyway. Stay tuned. The next few days promise to be interesting as I
could end up anywhere from Portugal to Germany.

1 comment:

  1. Yes...I too, have been sucked into reading about your crazy journey. Sounds exciting and fun...Soak it up and enjoy the ride! Safe travels as you continue on your journey...

