
Formerly titled "The Traveling Job Coach" and then "The Traveling Athletic Director," this blog is
for me and my memory because it's not very good.
My memory is not very good. See what I mean?

This blog has also morphed into a place for me to share my thoughts on life and how I see the world.
These thoughts often bubble to the surface during my travels.

I don't concern myself with grammar. This is simply a place for me to record my memories,
thoughts and feelings while I travel.

I started this blog before my trip to Europe July 10-24, 2009. Email me at brosefield@gmail.com
whilst I'm traveling or comment on posts here if you see something that
strikes your fancy.

Yes, I used the words whilst and fancy in the same paragraph.

Monday, July 13, 2009

It's Only Water

....or so the lady in the "tuck" shop at the golf course. You would
call it a snack bar but us Irishmen.....ahem....know it as a tuck shop

Anyway that was her comment to me as I came in from my first nine
looking as though I'd been through a car wash minus the suds and
wax. Oh and minus the car too

Eight of my first nine holes were played in what could be considered a
small tropical disturbance. Not as windy but the rain was
incredible. I heard the rough was going to make it difficult to find
lost golf balls but te rain made it doubly difficult. Lost ball count
you ask? 6. Ouch. I know. Embarrassing but it was fun.

Got a nice shower and sandwich after the round and had my driver, Mr.
Spring pick me up. Ok so he's just the cab driver I met yesterday
but he was on point in picking me up and getting me to the bus station
on time

On the way to Warerville now

By the way, interestingly enough I haven't heard a U2 song on the
radio yet but every other song seems to be by Bruce Springsteen.


  1. I noticed a final score was not posted in the blog. Care to share with everyone?

  2. Didn't you hear, John?? He shot 'a million.' Keep up, John.... :)

  3. Hey coach. Its Lee. I hope your trip is going fine. I heard that you are playing golf, which is good. Spencer and I played today and he shot 92, and I shot 89. Have fun and I will keep you posted with the golf team here. See you when you get back.

  4. Keep coming with the pictures. They are awesome. Thanks Coach
