Monday, July 2, 2018

A Balmy 35 Degrees

(And the last of the flight posts here)

I'm having a hard time with the fact that Europeans use Celsius instead of Fahrenheit(thank you autocorrect.....which, by the way, I had that thought yesterday. I think I'm getting dumber because I just type a few letters that I THINK are close to the spelling of a word and Apple, I'd like to think it's Tim Cook in some dark room, corrects it for me. Maybe I'd be better off turning off that function and seeing what happens for a while. I have a feiling it woodnt be prettie). Just now I was talking with the flight attendant about my plans and she said, "Ohhhh it's so beautiful in Europe right now. Switzerland is going to be around 35 degrees." My first thought was still, "Oh no." That is, until I realizes that 35 is going to be very warm.

Steven from Canada, another great dude I met in Prague, gave me a good benchmark for the conversion. 28 Celsius is 82 Fahrenheit. So if I can start there, I can get some sort of idea. So my guess is that 35 is going to be around 1782 degrees(seriously, stop reading this and search on YouTube for: Arizona Weatherman or Arizona Weather Map Goes Haywire on TV. And don't tell me you don't have time, the fact you're reading this tells me you have been blessed with an inordinate amount of time).


  1. Kristin KasavichaJuly 2, 2018 at 2:02 PM

    That was the hardest thing for us when living in Europe, knowing wha the temp. was, followed a close second by driving distances. Not even sure how Gary and I are still married with the arguments we had about driving in Europe and the exit being so many km away and not being able to convert it.

    1. 😆😆😆😆
      Love it!! Did it double the 'pleasure'by learning to drive on opposite side of road??!!

  2. OMG!! If your posts ate not the most endearing soul searching thoughts - they are hilarious.
    I love the humor.

