awk·ward (ôk w rd) adj.1. Not graceful; ungainly. 2.a. Not dexterous; clumsy. b. Clumsily or unskillfully performed: The opera was marred by an awkward aria. 3.a. Difficult to handle or manage: an awkward bundle to carry. b. Difficult to effect; uncomfortable: an awkward pose. 4.a. Marked by or causing embarrassment or discomfort: an awkward remark; an awkward silence. b. Requiring great tact, ingenuity, skill, and discretion: An awkward situation arose during the peace talks. [Middle English awkeward, in the wrong way : awke, wrong (from Old Norse öfugr, backward; seeapo- in Indo-European roots) + -ward, -ward.] awk ward·ly adv. awk ward·ness n.
So, yeah, listed above are several definitions of AWKWARD. However, for a visual representation, see the picture below.
"Steve, you're a great guy."
"you've been a real inspiration in our community. I mean the 8th graders performance of the Nutcracker was both visually stimulating and moving, but let me put it to you straight. I'm straight. As Darrel would say, be gay with whoever you want, just be straight with me."